Hi! I’m Jodi and if you are here, it probably means you are looking for answers regarding your child’s sleep. I know what that feels like because I was YOU not so long ago...
There is one thing I know for sure - the world is full of babies
and young children. And if there is another thing I know for sure, it’s that the world is full of exhausted, sleep deprived parents. But, the two don’t have to go hand in hand! In fact, I have a secret to tell you - there is a true science to this sleep thing! And with the right information coupled with the right support, restful days and nights can be enjoyed by all parents and children. Let me show you how!

Certified Child Sleep Consultant

My Philosophy is Simple
My goal is to help your child rest at biologically sound times during the day. By paying attention to your child’s cues, watching the clock, and creating the ideal environment, napping should be easy! Also, my hope is that you, the parent, rest easy knowing that your child is getting the perfect amount of sleep that he or she needs.
When daytime schedule and proper bedtimes come together, your child is assured to sleep well. With the strategies we put into place, night waking, early rising, and bedtime battles begin to disappear and healthy, consolidated sleep falls into place.
A well-rested baby is a happy baby and a well-rested parent is a happy parent. It is my ultimate goal that your family rises each day happy, and I’m certain that getting the sleep that you all deserve and need will bring in the sunshine.

Let’s get to work bringing sleep back to your family!
1. Provide your info in the form below
2. Jodi will get in touch to schedule your 15 minute sleep assessment
3. Get started on the path to finally getting the sleep you ALL need and deserve!